Faza tare pe Omegle :)) "Strainul" de azi a fost o tipa din Brazilia, Bruna.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: eeeey
You: hello :)
You: what's your name, stranger?
Stranger: Bruna,urs?
You: alexandra :P
You: so you're a girl too
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: were u from
You: romania
You: what about you?
Stranger: Brazil
You: nice. tell something in portuguese :P
Stranger: what u do wanna know
You: tell me... i got hit by a big fat yellow buss :D
Stranger: Eu fui atingida por um onibus amarelo e gordo

Mai vorbim noi ce mai vorbim, si...

Stranger: i was listening a music and i think is romeno
You: really? what's the name of the song?
Stranger: wait, its child
Stranger: ce-i cu viata ta? this is romeno? lol
You: lol, yes :))
You: is this the name of the song?
Stranger: Cleopatra
You: loool :))
Stranger: no is Guita
You: wtf
Stranger: lol
You: jesus
You: :))
You: i know the song
Stranger: hauahuahauhau cute, my intuition was right
You: where did you find this ?:D
Stranger: MTV , and after download lol
You: so.. mtv brazil is brodcasting romanian music?
You: that's insane :)
Stranger: long time that i have it

Foarte tare, frate :D Sincer, nu stiu de ce, dar ma asteptam sa-mi spuna ca asculta Inna. Sau Andreea Balan, in cel mai rau caz, ca s-a tot perindat p-acolo. Cleopatra chiar a fost o surpriza :D


  1. burgheziee. said...
    lol, ce tare :))
    si eu tot de inna m.asteptam sa zica. si ma mir cu de nu a dat disconnect cand a auzit ca esti din romania, ca la mine asa fac :-??
    Alex said...
    meh.. da.. foarte multi dau disconnect. majoritatea sunt olandezi, din cate am observat. motivul? "we are all gypsys here!!" bleah...
    burgheziee. said...
    eu am intalnit multi indieni si chinezi. suntem pe frecvente diferite sau ce? lol :))

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